Fashion Isabella Diaz-Kelly Fashion Isabella Diaz-Kelly

Telfar: A Profile

Telfar Clemens has proven himself to be a Black innovator in the fashion industry with his unisex designer brand.

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Fashion Sofia Spadafora Fashion Sofia Spadafora

Secondhand Saint Laurent

Extremely popular among teens and millennials, thrifting is the trendiest way to fight against fast fashion. But there’s also a growing secondhand market in luxury that should not be slept on.

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Fashion Laura Prajzner Fashion Laura Prajzner

Style Spotlight: Ginny Granato

A style icon who transcends her own Instagram feed, Drexel D&M’s own Ginny Granato shares her style secrets, unique shopping habits, and fashion industry thoughts that are near and dear to her heart. Much like a good jacket, Ginny is the perfect statement and refreshment this industry needs.

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